Negotiation Blog

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What's your negotiation PR strategy?

Brian Buck

Ever since cave paintings, there’s been publicity. It’s proven effective for everything from Greek philosophers who taught the art of persuasion through rhetoric to modern-day social media influencers scheming to get us to buy their sponsors’ prod...

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Vacation desperation? Use negotiation

Millie Davis

Have you ever had a travel situation that didn't go according to plan? Yeah, me too. Put your negotiator hat back on. Here's some tips for handling the situation as effectively and efficiently as possible.

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Negotiation is misunderstood

Brian Buck

I recently delivered a keynote speech on “How to increase the value of your deals.” There was a lot of buzz at the meet and greet prior to the event about negotiation. As I mingled and people asked me questions about what I do, I quickly realized...

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Could you out negotiate Kobe?

Brian Buck

You don't have to be a basketball fan to know the name Kobe Bryant. As great of a player as he was, he was best known for his work ethic. No one outworked him, outpracticed him, or outhustled him. He didn't always win, but if you were going to bea...

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